NAP+N-Government of Nepal (Ministry of Health and Population-MoHP)

NAP+N-Government of Nepal (Ministry of Health and Population-MoHP)

NAP+N received the bid in 2011 for implementing HIV/AIDS Targeted Intervention Project for PLHIV initially in 16 district and eventually the program coverage is extended to 35 districts of Nepal. NAP+N again received the bid second time in 2015 and third time in 2016 and continue the HIV/AIDS TI Project with 40 CCCs in 35 districts. Similarly, fourth time at the end of 2016, NAP+N has got another opportunity to implement the program in 19 new districts of Nepal. The project is first of its kind as for the first time the MoHP (Government of Nepal) is financing NGO to deliver HIV related intervention including care and support services for PLHIV in Nepal. Under this project, NAP+N contracting local PLHIV led community based organizations and run the program through establishing 19 Community Care Centers in 19 districts of Nepal.

Objective of the project: To reduce morbidity related to HIV and related complications, prevent HIV transmission and improve quality of life for PLHIV and their families.

Major activities: Establish and operate Community Care Centers (CCC), provide residential care, psycho-social and adherence counseling, nutrition and nutritional advice, facilitate treatment process, educate PLHIV on various aspects of HIV, reinforce positive prevention strategy among PLHIV, STI management, conduct activities to reduce stigma and discrimination associated with HIV and link PLHIV to existing other programs at local level.

Achievements and Lesson Learnt: The program has contributed almost 65 % of ART enrolment for the fiscal year 2072/73 in Nepal. The integrated approach of CCC, CHBC, CABA and prevention program including CLT will be more effective to achieve the national HIV/AIDS goal of 90-90-90 by 2020.

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Contact Info

National Association of PLHA in Nepal (NAP+N)

House No.: 393/5, Ardha-Chakra Marga, Tundal Devi Temple, Baluwatar-4, Kathmandu, Nepal

+977-01-4527459, 4517835

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