About National Association of People Living with HIV/AIDS
The National Association of People living with HIV and AIDS (NAP+N) was established after the first national consultation of PLHIVs in 2003. This historic event, succeeded in bringing 30 PLHIV participants from across the country to agree to one common goal: ‘To unite all those living with the virus in Nepal and fight back.’
NAP+N has focused on building the capacity of local PLHIV groups to respond appropriately to the needs of PLHIVs and its related Key Populations in area of advocacy, prevention, care and support, counseling, raising community awareness, providing information and education and improving access to the healthcare and legal services. NAP+N is the largest network of grassroots organizations working on the frontlines of this concentrated epidemic to achieve the national goal.
NAP+N is committed towards the promotion of autonomy and empowerment of PLHIVs which will help them make informed decision. NAP+N ensure that PLHIVs are in the forefront of policy making debates and their meaningful involvement at all levels is essential. The network is working towards multi-sectored collaboration and aims to develop strong working partnership with Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), the government and the private sectors.
NAP+N (a national network of PLHIV) has its functional and meaningful presence all over the country throughout the five regions and around 65 districts. It has extensive membership-any PLHIV led CBOs paying very nominal membership fee, can gain its membership. Among them, 73 percentage of CBOs are led by migrated PLHIV community. And more than eighty percent of it’s clients are migrant and their wives. Similarly, as a result, current executive board of NAP+N has led by key populations (except MSM/TG). The majority of board members are from migrant and their spouses which also incorporate women and socially excluded groups.
It can mobilize all its affiliated community based organizations to mitigate the national goal. The prevention model should incorporate the meaningful involvement of People Living with HIV and greater involvement of People Living with HIV concept along with evidence based HIV prevention program “Nothing about us without us” (Declaration of Ending AIDS by 2030, HLM UNGASS-2016). The NAP+N as an institution has vast array of HIV related work experience for more than a decade. It has demonstrated its ability to manage huge grants and is well equipped both technically and programmatically. In 2010, HIV/AIDS Project Management Unit (PMU) of UNDP Nepal, in written, has recognized NAP+N for best management of Challenge Fund.