
Asia Pacific Network for People Living With HIV (APN+)

NAP+N in partnership with APN+ and has implemented several programs and projects. Among them a research based Program Community Access to Treatment Study (CAT-S) (Phase I of the research) and Advocacy and capacity building on Hepatitis C, HIV Co-infection and Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR). After the completion of initial phase the research program (CAT-S), it has entered into monitoring phase Monitoring Access to Treatment in Asia (MATA) in Nepal. It is under Global Fund regional grant whereas the Hepatitis C and SRHR is funded by Robert Carr Foundation – both of the projects are managed by APN+.

Its Objective is to improve knowledge and understanding of issues related to PLHIV’s access to treatment, care and support services in the region and use it for evidence-based advocacy and to streamline issues of Hepatitis C as co-infection and sexual and reproductive health as major issues among WLHIV in Nepal.

About Us

Contact Info

National Association of PLHA in Nepal (NAP+N)

House No.: 393/5, Ardha-Chakra Marga, Tundal Devi Temple, Baluwatar-4, Kathmandu, Nepal

+977-01-4527459, 4517835

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